My TI-99/4a

February 14, 2022

The Texas-Instruments TI-99/4a was also one of the very first computers I used. Did not have a tape lead for that machine, so did not use it very often as I lost everything everytime I powered it off. But did some programming with it.

Re-acquired the TI-99/4a two years ago.

Present configuration:

Me with the TI-99/4a (amd the ZX Spectrum) as kid: computingkid

First testing of the TI: setupti994a

32KB memory extension (now not used anymore as I now use the SAMS): 32kmemory

The FinalGROM99: finalgrom99

Inside the TI to clean and apply heat paste to the VDP: insideti1 insideti2 insideti3

The TIPI: 2021-11-11 15-57-27 UTC 1

RGB to SCART interface and joystick adapter: 2021-05-07 12-19-43 UTC 1

Video Display Processor reference documentation: 2021-03-16 17-28-12 UTC

The PHP-1500 Speech Synthesizer: 2021-01-30 13-40-58 UTC 1

Console with FinalGROM99: 2020-09-04 07-21-45 UTC 2

In action the first time with the FinalGROM99: 2020-09-04 07-21-45 UTC 4
